(1) Apa Yang Dimaksud Conditional Sentence
Because conditional sentences are quite complex in both form and meaning, they are a problem for most learners of English. If you have a good understanding of the English tense system and of the modal auxiliaries, you will find it easier to understand and use conditional sentences. (The sentence you just read is a predictive conditional sentence.)All conditional sentences contain a dependent clause and an independent clause. The dependent clause usually begins with if; it expresses a condition. The independent clause expresses a result of the condition. The if-clause is usually first, but the order of the clauses is usually not important. Thus, these two sentences have basically the same meaning:
If she goes to the store, she will buy ice cream.
She will buy ice cream if she goes to the store.
You have probably noticed that different teachers, textbooks, and Web sites sometimes explain the same thing in different ways. This seems to be especially true of conditional sentences. However, two different explanations can both be correct, especially if the difference is due to the fact that complicated material has been organized in different ways. This is often true of explanations of conditionals that you find in your textbooks. Here conditional sentences are divided into three types based on their meanings: real, predictive, and imaginative conditional sentences..
Contoh Conditional Sentences:
1. True in the Present or Future. (Benar pada waktu sekarang dan masa akan datang)
2. Untrue in the Present or Future. (Tidak benar atau berlawanan dengan kenyataan pada waktu sekarang dan masa akan datang)
3. Untrue in the Past. (Tidak benar atau berlawanan dengan kenyataan pada masa lalu)
1. True in the Present or Future (Benar pada waktu sekarang dan masa akan datang)
Bentuk conditional sentences ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pengandaian dengan harapan yang dikatakan oleh si pembicara mungkin terjadi untuk masa sekarang ataupun akan datang.
Bentuk dari “IF CLAUSE”
(klausa pengandaian)
Bentuk dari “RESULT CLAUSE” (klausa akibat)
Contoh Kalimat
Simple Present Tense
If I have enough money, I buy a new car.
If I have enough money tomorrow, I will buy a new car.
Contoh Kalimat :
IF CLAUSE (Simple Present Tense) – RESULT CLAUSE (Simple Present Tense)
If I don’t eat breakfast, I always get hungry during class.
(Artinya: Jika saya tidak sarapan, saya selalu merasa lapar selama pelajaran di kelas)
Pada contoh kalimat di atas, RESULT CLAUSE menggunakan Simple Present Tense, fungsinya untuk mengekspresikan aktivitas yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan atau situasi.
Makna pada kalimat di atas, si pembicara merasa yakin bahwa dia terbiasa merasa lapar jika dia tidak sarapan sebelum berangkat ke sekolah.
IF CLAUSE (Simple Present Tense) – RESULT CLAUSE (Simple Future Tense)
If I don’t eat breakfast tomorrow, I will get hungry during class.
(Artinya: Jika saya tidak sarapan besok, saya akan merasa lapar selama pelajaran di kelas)
Pada contoh kalimat di atas, RESULT CLAUSE menggunakan Simple Future Tense, fungsinya untuk mengekspresikan bahwa kalimat tersebut menyangkut aktivitas tertentu atau situasi di masa yang akan datang.
Makna pada kalimat di atas, si pembicara mengetahui bahwa dia akan merasa lapar jika besok dia tidak sarapan sebelum berangkat ke sekolah.
Baik Simple Present Tense ataupun Simple Future digunakan sebagai RESULT CLAUSE (klausa akibat) adalah untuk mengekspresikan suatu ketetapan atau suatu fakta yang dapat diprediksi.
Contoh lain:
If I’m not busy, I come to your party.
If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
2. Untrue in the Present or Future (Tidak benar atau berlawanan dengan kenyataan pada waktu sekarang dan masa akan datang)
Bentuj conditional sentences ini digunakan apabila kita ingin menghayalkan sesuatu keadaan yang bertentangan dengan kenyataan yang ada saat ini dan masa yang akan datang. Dalam hal ini sikap pembicara agak pesimis karena kemungkinan terjadinya perbuatan tersebut hanya sedikit.
Bentuk dari “IF CLAUSE”
(klausa pengandaian)
Bentuk dari “RESULT CLAUSE” (klausa akibat)
Contoh Kalimat
Would + VERB 1
If I had enough money, I would buy a new car.
(in truth, I do not have enough money, so I will not buy a new car.)
(Kenyataannya, saya tidak punya cukup uang, jadi saya tidak akan membeli mobil baru.)
Contoh Kalimat :
IF CLAUSE (Simple Past Tense) – RESULT CLAUSE (Would + VERB 1)
If I taught this class, I would not give tests.
(Artinya: Jika saya mengajar kelas ini, saya tidak akan memberikan tes)
Makna pada kalimat di atas: kenyataannya, si pembicara tidak mengajar kelas tersebut.
If Sam were here right now, he would help us.
(Artinya: jika Sam ada disini sekarang, dia akan menolong kita)
Makna pada kalimat di atas: kenyataannya, Sam tidak ada disana sekarang.
If I were you, I would accept this invitation.
(Artinya: Jika saya menjadi kamu, saya akan menerima undangan ini)
Makna pada kalimat di atas: kenyataannya, saya bukan kamu.
CATATAN:Apabila klausa pengandaian (IF CLAUSE) dinyatakan dengan to be, maka yang digunakan adalah “were” untuk semua jenis subject.
3. Untrue in the Past (Tidak benar atau berlawanan dengan kenyataan pada masa lalu)
Bentuk conditional sentences ini digunakan apabila kita ingin membayangkan suatu kemungkinan lain dari suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang telah terjadi dimasa lampau. Atau dapat dikatakan bahwa bentuk ini dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keadaan atau peristiwa yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan yang sebenarnya dimasa lampau. Sikap pembicara dalam hal ini sangat menyesal terhadap perbuatan yang telah terjadi.
Bentuk dari “IF CLAUSE”
(klaus` pengandaian)
Bentuk dari “RESULT CLAUSE” (klausa akibat)
Contoh Kalimat
Past Perfect Tense
Would have + VERB 3
If I had had enough money, I would have bought a new car yesterday.
(in truth, I did not have enough money, so I did not buy a new car yesterday.)
(Kenyataannya, saya tidak punya cukup uang, jadi saya tidak membeli mobil baru kemarin.)
Contoh Kalimat :
IF CLAUSE (Past Perfect Tense) – RESULT CLAUSE ( Woul have + VERB 3)
If they had studied, they would have passed the exam.
(Artinya: jika mereka sudah belajar, mereka akan sudah lulus ujian)
Makna pada kalimat di atas: kenyataannya, mereka tidak belajar sebelumnya, dan mereka gagal atau tidak lulus dalam ujian.
If I had called sarah, she would have come here.
(Artinya: Jika saya sudah menelpon sarah, dia akan sudah datang kesini)
Makna pada kalimat di atas: kenyataannya, saya tidak menelpon sarah sebelumnya, dan sarah tidak datang kesini.
(2) Fact(fakta),funcation,pola,dan berikan contoh kalimatnya
Basically subjunctive conditional sentences and equally express modality. Conditional sentence has two clauses that play clause and if clause. While berbedadimana subjunctive have some form of words that can be used include: wish, as if / as though, if only, and would rather. Problems associated with the subjunctive conditional sentence or completeness generally just ask the pattern or form of sentence inquire of as fact or reality. Therefore to resolve such questions, to know the pattern of the sentence and the fact patterns
Funcation (fungsi) conditional sentence
In these sentences, the time is past in the 'if' clause, and present in the main clause. They refer to an unreal past condition and its probable result in the present. They express a situation which is contrary to reality both in the past and in the present:
'If I had worked harder at school' is contrary to past fact - I didn't work hard at school, and 'I would have a better job now' is contrary to present fact - I haven't got a good job.
If we had looked at the map (we didn't), we wouldn't be lost (we are lost).
'If I had worked harder at school' is contrary to past fact - I didn't work hard at school, and 'I would have a better job now' is contrary to present fact - I haven't got a good job.
If we had looked at the map (we didn't), we wouldn't be lost (we are lost).
· I would be a millionaire now if I had taken that job.
· If you'd caught that plane you'd be dead now.
· If you hadn't spent all your money on CDs, you wouldn't be broke.
Pola conditional sentence:
Main clause
If - clause
Fact / meaning
S + present/modal + V1 /to be
Masih bersifat kemungkinan
Berlawanan dalam bentuk present
Berlawanan dalam bentuk past
o Present modal : will, can, may, shall ( yangsering digunakan adalah will )
o Past modal : would, could, might (yang sering digunakan adalah ( would )
1. She will meet him if she goes there.
Fact: perhaps she will meet him / she won’t meet him.
2. She whould meet him if she went there now.
Fact: she doesn’t meet him because she doesn’t go there.
3. She would have meet him if she had gone there yesterday.
Fact: she didn’t meet him because didn’t go there yesterday.
(3) Berikan rumus past perfect tense dan berikan contoh kalimatnya
Rumus past perfect tense
Rumus Past Perfect Tense
Positif: S + had + V3
Negatif: S + had + not + V3
Tanya: Had + S + V3
Examples :
I had gone When He arrived at my home
“I had gone” adalah Past Perfect Tense, dengan subjectnya adalah I. Lihat ada “had” nya, dan kata kerja bentuk ketiganya (V3) adalah gone. Sesuai rumusnya S + had + V3. Kalimat pembandingnya adalah bentuk past tense: “When He arrived at my home”.
I had written 3 articles when you visited my blog for the first time.
Jadi Past Perfect Tense adalah tentang “Sudah, masa lalu”. Present Perfect Tense tentang “Sudah, kini”. Rumusnya mirip, karena sama-sama Perfect. Setiap Perfect pasti pakai kata kerja bentuk ke-3 baik itu pada Kata Kerja utamanya atau pada kata kerja bantu-nya.
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