Selasa, 26 April 2016


NAMA                         : HARI CAHYO
NPM                             : 13212309
KELAS                        : 4EA23

Transform these sentences below into passive voice and translate

1. Someone looked the front door from inside
Passive Voice : The front door was looked from inside by someone
Translate        : Pintu depan dikunci dari dalam oleh seseorang

2. Mr. Joy is teaching the student now
Passive Voice    : The student is being taught by Mr. Joy now
Translate          : Murid itu sedang diajarkan oleh Pak Joy sekarang

3. Millions of people are going to watch the big match between Madrid and Barcelona tonight
Passive Voice : The big match between Madrid and Barcelona is going to be watched by  millions of people tonight
Translate    : Pertandingan besar antara Madrid dan Barcelona akan ditonton oleh jutaan       orang nanti

4. The student must return all library books a week from now
Passive Voice    : All library books must be returned by the student a week from now
Translate      : Semua buku perpustakaan harus dikembalikan oleh murid seminggu dari sekarang

5. The mechanic has not repaired the car
Passive Voice : The car hasn’t been rapaired by the mechanic
Translate        : Mobilnya belum diperbaiki oleh montir

6. You can’t go inside. A well-known Journalist of a leading newspaper is interviewing Mr. Richard
Passive Voice : You can’t go inside. Mr. Richard is being interviewed by a well-known Journalist of a leading newspaper
Translate      : Anda tidak bisa masuk ke dalam. Pak Richard sedang diwawancarai oleh wartawan terkenal dari koran terkemuka

7. He is repairing my old car right now
Passive Voice : My old car is being repaired by him right now
Translate        : Mobil tua saya sedang diperbaiki olehnya saat ini

8. The government will give an antique painting by Salvador  Nail to the national gallery in spain
Passive Voice : An antique painting by Salvador Nail will be given by the government to the national gallery in spain
Translate        : Lukisan antik karya Salvador Nail akan diberikan oleh pemerintah ke galeri nasional di Spanyol

9. Leonardo da Vinci painted monalisa many years ago
Passive Voice : Monalisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci many years ago
Translate        : Monalisa dilukis oleh Leonardo da Vinci

10. Rafael modal hit the ball hard after winning the championship
Passive Voice : The ball was hit hard by Rafael modal after wining the championship
Tranlate       : Bola ditendang dengan keras oleh Rafael modal setelah memenangkan kejuaraan

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